PlanetMitch from Planet5d keeps you up to date on all sorts of camera news, from new camera releases to innovative software and editing techniques. Don’t be fooled by the “5d” in the name of the blog, Planet5d covers all sorts of cameras, not just DSLRs and Canons. While you’re there zip over to the videolog to check out recent indie work Mitch chooses.

Written by Andrew Reid, EOSHD caters to a similar market as Planet5d. EOSHD also has a very active twitter feed, which is a personal favorite of mine. Andrew is always quick to respond to questions from his followers. If you ever find yourself with a question about gear, software or workflow, EOSHD is a great resource.

CheesyCam is the “life hacker” of the camera blogs. While they still report on the expensive fancy gear the mentality is consistent: how can we get the best quality for the least amount of money. Here you can find the latest equipment reviews and comparisons, hacks to make your life easier on set, and new product announcements.

As its name would imply, Canon Rumors appeals most to people who own a Canon. Duh. However, there is information on this site that impacts the entire marketplace, so non-Canon users may find it useful as well. Canon Rumors is my go-to place if I want to read about cameras and lenses that I can’t have… Yet.

I am a newcomer to this blog but have enjoyed the read thus far. It seems to be very eclectic in its article topics but consistently focused on all things camera. According to them, “Cinescopophilia gets to write what ever the hell Cinescopophilia likes the look of, and will be of benefit to our readers.” I can get behind that mentality.

What makes these blogs jump out at me is their honesty and candor. If they are writing about a product they are affiliated with, they let you know. If it is a topic they are not experts on, they don’t try to fake it. These 5 blogs are all in my bookmark bar for a reason. They are interesting, informative, and most importantly they are updated on a daily basis so there is a consistent stream of great reads.
Check them out and let me know if there are any great ones out there that I’m missing!