An internship in video production allows you to witness what it takes to create stories. Since video is such a collaborative process, it’s imperative to work with individuals in all phases of video. Working alongside Directors, Editors, Shooters, Animators and more allows a student to get exposure to different elements and determine a path to focus on shortly after graduation. Furthermore, school doesn’t allow you to get experience with actual clients, tight deadlines and larger productions – the right internship; however, does give you these opportunities.

As a student, it’s important to find the right internship. Before selecting any media or production company, make sure you understand what you’re getting into. There are a lot of places that may not give you access to the full experience. I was lucky enough to have a great internship and it is 100% why I have the job at 522.

At 522, the internship program offers a range of experiences for college students and recent graduates. If you come with passion and enthusiasm, you will get the knowledge and connections to get a job in this field. I think it is great to watch interns grow so much in such little time.

Some of the things a 522 intern can expect include:

  • Casting Auditions
  • Assistant Editing
  • Location Scouting
  • Teleprompting
  • Assisting on set
  • And anything else related to production…

Everyone at 522 Productions really believes in real-world experience. At one point or another, we’ve all been there….just looking to get experience and learn. So, if you are a current film student or recent grad, don’t waste your day getting coffee or calling for lunch. Make sure you become part of a team and manage real responsibilities. Here’s a video featuring perspectives from two of our recent interns: 1) Carly Botero and 2) Ben Surber.