July 2014’s Hottest 5 Video Marketing Posts

August 5, 2014

While sunnier, balmier days present the temptation to rest on one’s laurels, summer is a great time for companies to reinvent their brands and retarget audiences. Consumers come blinking out of the holiday onslaught in the spring, but by summer, everyone feels the height of their purchasing power once more. When it comes to marketing […]

While sunnier, balmier days present the temptation to rest on one’s laurels, summer is a great time for companies to reinvent their brands and retarget audiences. Consumers come blinking out of the holiday onslaught in the spring, but by summer, everyone feels the height of their purchasing power once more.

When it comes to marketing approaches, text, audio, and images will catch attention, but video will command it. To reinforce the importance of video marketing further, here are a fresh crop of articles to expand and add to your expertise.

5 July Video Marketing Posts to Peruse

While numerous people went on vacation in July, many marketing thought leaders remained hard at work. Among the five best video marketing posts of the month, new ideas they presented included:

  • Converting leads through an email/video collaboration. In this post from CEO Eric Doucet of Simple Story Videos, he discusses how brands can use videos in their email marketing campaigns. Tips include linking rather than embedding, incorporating a strong call to action, using mobile-friendly formats, keeping text concise and “above the fold,” and A/B testing to determine the most effective approach.
  • Consumer stimulation and product awareness through video. Entitled “Video Helps Audiences See Your Products,” this post by HW Creative Marketing discusses the importance of video to generating greater brand awareness among audiences. Check it out to learn how screen compatibility, YouTube, and effective category tagging make for an optimal video marketing approach.
  • The “edginess” scale and where to fall for best results. In “Edgy Video vs. Brand Truth,” Ben Cecil of UPG Online Video Marketing addresses the “edgy video” fad recently undertaken by brands such as Old Spice and Red Bull. While such approaches are effective for brands with inherently controversial or freewheeling images, Cecil asserts companies should not cross the boundaries of their brand identities.
  • Instagramming through video. This meaty post from Sarah Fama at Reel SEO provides a detailed overview of how brands can use Instagram to launch their video marketing campaigns. Although the social media platform helps produce great branding successes, companies must understand the culture, inner workings, relevancy, timing, motivating factors, and community nature comprising successful Instagram videos.
  • A juicy, infographic-based post on video marketing. For marketers looking to justify launching a video marketing campaign, this post by The 60 Second Marketer offers a rich infographic with valuable statistics about the effectiveness of video. It also explains the psychological and evolutionary reasons video appeals to humans.

Take this opportunity to catch up on your summer reading, and you’ll head “back to school” at the top of your class!

What new video marketing ideas have you gained from one or more of these posts?